Guest posts, Kidopedia

10 Reasons why Packaged Foods are Harmful for your child

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that approximately 40 million individuals succumb to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) annually, making up 70% of all global deaths. Most of these are lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, and certain cancers, all closely associated with unhealthy dietary patterns. What is alarming is that unhealthy… Continue reading 10 Reasons why Packaged Foods are Harmful for your child

Indian Recipes, Kids menu, Recipe Book

Quick Jowar Dosa

Jowar or Sorghum is a millet from India, rich in fibre and helps control blood sugar levels. It's a super hot food right now, being gluten free and a good protein source has made it a favorite for many diet conscious people today. Jowar is a versatile grain and it can be consumed whole as… Continue reading Quick Jowar Dosa