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Creamy Mushroom Crostini – Iron Rich Recipe

Iron deficiency is a common problem in women. As per statistics, every second women in India is Iron deficient which causes a lot of serious mental, social and economic issues in her life. The most simplest and effective way of overcoming this problem is to start early with an Iron rich diet made of foods… Continue reading Creamy Mushroom Crostini – Iron Rich Recipe

Desserts / Sweets, Indian Festivals / Occassions, Indian Recipes, Italian Recipes

It’s time for some Thandai!

Thandai basically means “cool” and is essentially a milk based drink that is flavoured with a rich masala made of dry fruits and spices called Thandai. This special blend, typically consumed for Holi, has amazing properties to energize as well as cool the body, something very apt considering the upcoming Holi festival and the weather.… Continue reading It’s time for some Thandai!