Desserts / Sweets, Indian Festivals / Occassions, Indian Recipes, Kids menu, Nabeel Inspires Mommy, Vacation Fun

Kaju Katli

Kaju Katli - the famous Indian sweet made using cashewnuts needs no introduction. The popular diamond shape "mithai" is particularly relished during Diwali and is liked by everyone. This Diwali try making some at home and enjoy the goodness of Homemade Kaju Katli.

Baking Recipes, Breadtastic, Kids Can Cook Too, Nabeel Inspires Mommy, Tiffin Treats, Vacation Fun

Garlic Breadsticks – Dominos Style

The popular Garlic Breadsticks from Dominos are a favourite of Nabeel. We always end up ordering their dry, chewy, zero topping pizzas for the greed of breadsticks (because they don’t deliver unless you order pizzas). So, one fine Saturday afternoon when Nabeel yearned to dig into some hot breadsticks from Dominos and they refused to… Continue reading Garlic Breadsticks – Dominos Style

Nabeel Inspires Mommy

Happy Birthday Nabeel

It’s Nabeel’s birthday today! He turned 3. However, we celebrated his birthday a month ago, when he turned 3, as per the Islamic calendar. That was his first grand birthday celebration, since his birth and so I left no stone unturned to ensure it was a well planned event the memories of which would linger… Continue reading Happy Birthday Nabeel